Monday 29 November 2010

Magazine analysis

We were told to anlayse our front cover and contents page in terms of how the images were changed to suit particular social groups.Magazine analysis
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Monday 22 November 2010

Magazine Photo Analysis - How Social Groups Have Been Represented

We were told to analyse the photos we planned to use for our final coursework magazine task, analysing how they represent particular social groups. I chose to take photos of some DJ's in their flat whilst playing and doing an interview with my magazine. This answers the evaluation question 2 "How does your magazine represent particular social groups?"
Here is the analysis of why these photos were appropriate:

Organisation of photoshoot:
For this photoshoot, I used two of my brothers friends as the 'artists', as they are part time DJ's and do it for fun. I felt this was appropriate because they had the correct equipment and knowledge of the genre. They could develop my knowledge as a result. I chose to use their flat as the place to take the photos as it gave the photos a more relaxed, laid-back feel. Also, this way the 'artists' would feel more laid-back and the photos would give a more accurate picture of how they usually performed.

Laid-back atmosphere.
To make the photoshoot safe, I made sure that all the wires that were being used were not hanging around on the floor, otherwise people could trip over them.
I used this time also to interview the boys as they were the main feature for my magazine article. To make this safe, I made sure that they were not asked questions while they were on the decks, because if they were, the 'artists' could get distracted and unintentionally damage the equipment.
Wires are on the table rather
than the floor.


I produced a choice of three different mastheads for my magazine front cover. Here is a little analysis on them, and why I have chosen the one that I did.

Who Is My Audience? Target Audience Profile

I have chosen to create a moodboard to represent my target audience ofr my magazine. I felt it was clear through these images that my magazine is aimed towards a young, modern male target audience from London. I chose to put in some pictures of things that they may do in their spare time like football, gigs and using technology including iPods and phones. I chose to represent the target audience by showing that they are quite rebellious through the use of a Banksy image. I feel his art shows the creative side of them, but also the lawlessness. Here is the moodboard:

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Magazine Front Cover Flat Plan

This is how I originally wanted my magazine front cover to look like, but it may change after this creation, as I could take inspiration from different magazine front covers. This front cover has no colour but I believe it has an interesting layout:

Magazine Plan

I have planned the target audience, genre and gratifications of my magazine on an A3 piece of paper. I decided that the main purpose for the magazine was to entertain and inform, and to be a diversion from everyday life. The main genre is drum 'n' bass, along with dubstep.
Here is a photo of my magazine plan:

I have chosen to make my target audience male, between 15 and 25, who enjoy drum 'n' bass, or any other music with loud beats. I think the magazine will be most useful to divert people away from the stresses of everyday life as it uses an entertaining writing style, and exclusive pictures. It will also be a surveillance magazine as it is informative about new artists and gig dates. The psychographics of the magazine are radicals, because I think the music is usually associated with lawlessness and people who like to be heard; they are not afraid to go against society. I have tried to reflect this in the layout of my magazine as I believe this will catch my audience's eye. Also, those who read the magazine may be aspirers because they may aspire to be music artists and could take inspiration from these new artists.

Monday 8 November 2010

Analysis of Front Pages

I decided that to make my magazine front cover relevant to my target audience, I should analyse two front covers with different target audiences and notice the similarities to include in my front cover. I want to do this to broaden my target audience.
I believe the Kerrang! front page is quite packed and contains a lot of headings so the audience can easily see what is in the magazine. This is done to make them want to read it if they see something on their favourite band or artist. If they include a lot of headings, it is more likely that someone will see something they like so I think this would be relevant for my own front cover. The main image is of a well-known artist who many of the audience will recognise and this will make them want to read the magazine as they will be interested to find out why this artist is on the front. It looks as though the demographics for Kerrang! is diversion and entertainment because of the shapes on the front cover, it is grabbing the readers attention and is quite unique and out-of-the-ordinary overall. The colour of the artist's hair and clothes contrasts to the grey background to make her stand out even more. 
RWD's front cover is a lot more simplistic than Kerrang! it only has one image, compared to the four on the front of Kerrang!, however, the main image on RWD is split into three; which links it to the heading as it makes it seem as though Tinie Tempah does "tear" up the photo as well as the music scene. The colour of the title and the headings all match making a colour scheme on the front cover of blue and white, hinting at a male target audience; which is emphasised by the popular male artist on the front cover. The artist on the front sums up the genre of the magazine, and we can tell he must be liked by many because otherwise the target audience would not buy it. The simplistic feel would suggest that this magazine is confident that it's target audience are going to buy it from the start, not caring so much for the look of the front cover.

I included a table to make the similarities and differences easy to see, and it is after the analysis of the two pages.

Friday 5 November 2010

Masthead Research

We were told to analyse some different mastheads so that we would have more knowledge on them when we created our own for the our coursework, the music magazine. Here is my Masthead research:


Blog Research

I decided to research some blogs to see if I could get some tips from those that are popular. Also, I looked for similarities between them and from this I found that I could be unique with my style of blog.

Analysis of Prelim Magazine Photos

We were told to analyse our original photography for our preliminary task, in terms of how it relates to our target audience and how we manipulated them to suit that audience.School mag photo analysis
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I used the picture options to manipulate the photos.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Online Magazine Research. The Fly Magazine.

We were told to analyse an online magazine so when we created ours, we would be able to make it more versatile and cater for a wider audience. Here is my slideshow about The Fly magazine :