Monday 22 November 2010

Magazine Photo Analysis - How Social Groups Have Been Represented

We were told to analyse the photos we planned to use for our final coursework magazine task, analysing how they represent particular social groups. I chose to take photos of some DJ's in their flat whilst playing and doing an interview with my magazine. This answers the evaluation question 2 "How does your magazine represent particular social groups?"
Here is the analysis of why these photos were appropriate:

Organisation of photoshoot:
For this photoshoot, I used two of my brothers friends as the 'artists', as they are part time DJ's and do it for fun. I felt this was appropriate because they had the correct equipment and knowledge of the genre. They could develop my knowledge as a result. I chose to use their flat as the place to take the photos as it gave the photos a more relaxed, laid-back feel. Also, this way the 'artists' would feel more laid-back and the photos would give a more accurate picture of how they usually performed.

Laid-back atmosphere.
To make the photoshoot safe, I made sure that all the wires that were being used were not hanging around on the floor, otherwise people could trip over them.
I used this time also to interview the boys as they were the main feature for my magazine article. To make this safe, I made sure that they were not asked questions while they were on the decks, because if they were, the 'artists' could get distracted and unintentionally damage the equipment.
Wires are on the table rather
than the floor.

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