Tuesday 16 November 2010

Magazine Plan

I have planned the target audience, genre and gratifications of my magazine on an A3 piece of paper. I decided that the main purpose for the magazine was to entertain and inform, and to be a diversion from everyday life. The main genre is drum 'n' bass, along with dubstep.
Here is a photo of my magazine plan:

I have chosen to make my target audience male, between 15 and 25, who enjoy drum 'n' bass, or any other music with loud beats. I think the magazine will be most useful to divert people away from the stresses of everyday life as it uses an entertaining writing style, and exclusive pictures. It will also be a surveillance magazine as it is informative about new artists and gig dates. The psychographics of the magazine are radicals, because I think the music is usually associated with lawlessness and people who like to be heard; they are not afraid to go against society. I have tried to reflect this in the layout of my magazine as I believe this will catch my audience's eye. Also, those who read the magazine may be aspirers because they may aspire to be music artists and could take inspiration from these new artists.

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