Monday 6 December 2010

Distribution of my magazine

I want my music magazine to be widely available so that it is not hard to find for the audience. My music magazine would be distributed in London newsagents and supermarkets as then the target audience would be able to see it when they are doing everyday shopping, especially seeing as the target audience is based in London. I think that many shops and newsagents would like to sell my magazine as it would increase their income, and if teenagers were to come in and buy the magazine, they may purchase other things in the shop. Also, if the magazine is sold in the shop, they could get the target audience on their side for other issues.
Magazine Shelf
In other words, the radicals that read the magazine may agree with the political views of the shopkeeper and as a result they could create a personal relationship with them and then want to come back to that shop each time. In addition, I would look to create a website for my magazine as well because my young target audience would use it quite a lot and this could then persuade them to go and buy the physical copy, in turn increasing the profits and income for my magazine as a whole.
An example of a newsagents

I would also like to sell my magazine is a more traditional magazine retail outlet such as WHSmith, because once it is being sold at places such as this the audience will realise that the magazine is one which is recognised on a national level; although based around a London target audience. Another retail outlet that I would be interested in distributing my magazine to is HMV as they are associated with music in a great way and recognised as a huge outlet for the major music scene as they sell specialist music publications.

I have also thought about the type of publishing company that would create my magazine and represent it. After researching the best publishers, I have decided to use IPC Media as they seem to be the most famous and professional company, and there website was clear and easy to use. It is also the company that represents many other famous, big names in terms of the magazine industry which is important as we could create ties with other magazines, even link together; share ideas or pictures. 

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