Thursday 2 December 2010

Magazine Contents Page And How It Has Improved Since The Preliminary Task

I used the NME contents page to get inspiration for my own. They are not too similar as I wanted to challenge the norms of magazines, however, I have used a consistent colour scheme just like NME, and I got the idea to do an advert for a subscription for the magazine from NME. I think my colour scheme works well as they colours contrast well, so all the writing is easy to see, even if it is on a photo.
NME contents page.
Helped me on the layout of my magazine.

The colour scheme is different to my preliminary magazine as on the front cover for that magazine, it was difficult to read some of the subheadings as the background photo took up too much space, I should have formatted a shape so that the text could be seen more clearly.  Because of this problem, I did not include many headings, which means that the target audience will be less likely to be the magazine.
Preliminary task.

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